Monday 16 March 2009

Maybe I'll get round to seeing a shrink at some point....

But for the mean time I think I'll just write. I only just stumbled on a few escort blogs and thought I'd give it ago too. Maybe along the way I'll learn more about myself, maybe I'll figure it out. I've always wondered how other former prostitutes do it. Do they all over come their past? Doe's anyone walk away unhurt? Do they hate themselves? Do they find everlasting love? Can they fall in love and trust him? Are they happy?

I think if I hadn't remained so long in the business I wouldn't be the way I am today, lonely, unhappy, some times unfulfilled, distrustful of people and still searching.

I got into the escort business when I was in my mid-twenties in 1987 and you know what? I wasn't surprised. I had read enough books by Jackie Collins, Sydney Sheldon and Harold Robins to get me thinking, but it wasn't until I read "The Mayflower Madam" did I decide THAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO DO.

I'm some what of a misfit. I have never taken to authority of any kind and hate being told what to do, in many ways I can't help pointing out that the Emperor is naked and therein lies the reason I get into trouble. Being an escort made me realize what a twisted world we live in and how hypocritical our law makers are. After you've shoved enough dildos up enough judges asses, lead them around on a dog leash, not to mention dressing them up in women's clothes, snorted coke, with prosecutors, lawyers and cops, you begin to question the logic of infallible humans like them having the power to put make and impose laws that put you away in prison.

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